By Virginia Prince, Ph.D.

Editor's Note: This is a paper delivered at the Harry Benjamin 4th International Symposium on Gender Identity, Stanford University. Feb. 28-March 2, 1975. I hope it will shed a little new light on the sub- ject for readers of TVia as well as the surgeons, psychiatrists and psy- chologists at Stanford.

If you will forgive a slight alternation of the famous soliloquy from Hamlet, it seems very expressive of what I want to talk about.

"TS or not TS- that is the question;

Whether 'tis wiser to suffer the slings and arrows Of frustrated desires, or, to seek surgery

Against the sea of troubles and by reassignment end them.

To die

to sleep, to live no more and by such death To say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to.

To die, to sleep — perchance to dream; ay, there's the rub."


"Perchance to dream ay there's the rub." How could it be better expressed? The whole concept of change of sex is the death of one aspect of self and a hoped-for rebirth of another. But dreams of es- caping the "slings and arrows, the 1000 natural shocks -" etc. are often just that, dreams. There is many a "rub" in the process and these are but little understood by the presumptive "transexual" and fre- quently not by the professionals who treat them. I refer to an un- derstanding of the basic motivations underlying the demand for sur- gery, the probability of its fulfillment, and the other alternative ways of satisfying the same desires.